Thursday, June 21, 2007

Here's how it's happening...

OK my blog is making a return, and here's my plan for how things will be in the future...

  1. Theological thoughts - I've been putting together some papers that I will put up here for reading and discussion. Some of the topics I've been looking at include Dealing with Loneliness (sprang out of work with a prisoner), The Sovereignty of God (thoughts on JI Packer's book and questions that spring from it), and Biblical Manliness (what Wild at Heart got right, wrong, and what being a man is all about).
  2. Movies - I hope to get on here and share thoughts about some films that I watch. I'd say that I'll do it once a week, except I don't think I'll ever scrape together enough time to watch an entire movie every week. Either way, I'll do my best and put together something interesting for you all.
  3. Random shtuff - classic blog, will post stuff that I find interesting just in case someone else finds it interesting too.
So be on the lookout for the changes!


At 9:09 PM, Blogger BSJ-rom said...

So what you're saying is that the you'll be blogging. The change being... that you 'll be blogging.


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