Thursday, July 12, 2007


Well it's already almost the end of the week. What a bummer. Normally people would be looking forward to the weekend, but for me I don't think it will really feel all that different from the week.

Yeah, sorry, it seems that I'm feeling a bit run-down at the moment. It's been a heck of a week, with it's good and bad points.

We had state camp on the weekend, which was pretty good. The age range was 15-22, so I ended up feeling so much older than just about anyone else there. It seems like the age limit pushed out everyone who I used to hang around with, and there were only 5-6 people actually in that 22 range. I'd say the majority of guys there were 17-19, which was good but makes mingling that little bit harder.

I was supposed to be co-leading a small group, but my co-leader was sick and couldn't make it, so I ended up with the only small group that had one leader. Most groups had a guy/girl combination, but I was left leading a mixed group by myself, which was interesting. Although in the end it actually worked out quite well - the intro night was a bit quiet, but in the first group study they started opening up, and by the second group study they were actually talking and arguing with each other, which was great. When I finally started looking forward to the final study, it got canceled due to time restraints, a great disappointment. So I felt very happy about that.

It managed to rain for most of the weekend, but the group games did go ahead on the Sunday. I was in charge of a checkpoint so didn't really get to see the other games, but from what I saw the guys had quite a bit of fun. My checkpoint involved people standing in a line from the dam to a bucket and using a sponge to fill up the bucket with water from the dam. The highlight was watching Shaun jump into the dam to retrieve the sponge that had been dropped in, clothes and all. Good times.

The final piece of fun was some joker (I know who you are!) deciding to play "Paradise City" very loudly just after 2am Sunday morning. This meant I went into Sunday with about 4 hours of sleep, which is where everything started going downhill.

Sunday night I had service leading, and everything was going fine until I managed to totally stuff up the closing. I had a nice little closing written down, but decided instead to go more personal and quote the lyrics to a song that I have used as a prayer. But once I got up there I completely forgot the words, stumbled over them, and completely made a fool of myself. Yes, it doesn't seem quite so embarrassing writing it here, but at the time it put me into a deep blue funk for the rest of the evening.

Things didn't improve when I started feeling sick on Monday. I took Tuesday off, and missed out on 2o3. I had to get up at 4am on Wednesday morning to take Ness to the airport, and started feeling much better, so returned to work. That evening I started feeling worse than before, but still had to go pick her up from the airport. By the time I got to bed last night (11pm) I was feeling really crappola, and still do. I'm feeling very much over today.

So right now, I really need sleep. But I'm still soldiering on. Have an interesting post that I want to share here, so will do so when I'm feeling a bit healthier.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Well MYC was good. I went commercial: I wrote my blog address on my name tag: a trend that was followed by several people!


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