Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I am no longer single. Therefore I haven't been on here. I'll get around to it once I come down from the clouds.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Work are sending me to Sydney until Friday night, so I'll see you all when I get back if I don't get a chance to get here until then!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Opens this Thursday...

I've been waiting six months to see this film! Sounds like campy fun, just like what I enjoy. There's been a heap of hype about this movie, and it's currently got an average of 8.3/10 on IMDB. :-)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Punk party last night...

Ant had a punk party last night, so I decided to really do something different. Any opinions? :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

While on the music theme...

Social Theorist are playing at the Trout tonight, at 10pm.

Head over there if you read this in time. They rock! Here's a photo from their set at my 21st:

This is Air Supply

In April '06 I travelled to Canada to fulfil my dream of going to see an Air Supply concert. Thanks to Air Supply Now & Forever, for my first ever concert I had front row tickets sitting right in front of lead singer Russell Hitchcock.

It was an absolutely brilliant show, during which the band discovered that I had travelled from Australia and I was invited to the stage to shake hands and have a quick chat with them during the show.

My second show was in New York City (Staten Island) the next night and was just as good if not better. Here's a photo of me with the guys in the dressing room before the show:

I'm a great believer that, just as there's a Simpsons quote suitable for any occasion, there is also an Air Supply song suitable for any feeling. Mine right now is "Chances", so have a listen if you can.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh dear

After all the time saying that I wouldn't do it, I've finally bit the bullet and joined the blogosphere. I'll blame Mr Jolly for having such an awesome blog that I took a look and said "I want one!"

Anyway, who am I that you would read my blog? Well, no one really. I'm 21, single, male, and most importantly a Christian. I go to a Reformed church but wouldn't necessarily say that I subscribe to all of the theology that goes with it. I have my own thoughts on predestination, Calvinism, infant baptism etc that I'm not going to get into now. There's plenty of time for that.

Like plenty of my friends, I am going to MTS Challenge this weekend. Should be an interesting time, although I'm bemoaning the fact that I've been pulled into the Powerpoint team. I hope it doesn't cut into my conference time too much. At least it's a chance to show off the laptop. :-)