Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Exile's Saga: Update 1

Notes: 50 pages, 17,754 words
Book 1: 10 pages, 4,655 words

This is going to be a pretty epic fantasy series. I initially decided to call the series 'The Exile's Saga', but then after a bit of Googling discovered that there's already a series out there with a similar name. So now I'll have to think of something a little different. Oh well.

Anyway, I originally started the basic story to this quite a few years ago, just writing whatever came to my head. Then I put it aside for quite a while (we're talking 7-8 years here), but I've now decided to return to it and flesh it out. It's been really good as ideas have been flowing freely and I now have a basic plot outline for the entire series, plus a more in-depth outline of the first half of book 1.

How many books will it be? I'm not sure, as I'm following several plot threads and many characters. Initially I've split it into nine parts, although it may be more or less depending on how things pan out and how much attention to detail I put in there.

I'm going to update this blog as I progress through writing. At the moment I really want to keep focusing on the notes, putting the rest of book 1 together and drafting together a history of the land our heroes find themselves in. Either way it's exciting times!


At 10:47 PM, Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Sounds like a solid mental work out. Nothing like a good writing session. Might see what I can come up with tonight...

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Michael said...

Hey, look forward to a first draft :-)


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