Friday, October 13, 2006

What's the Christian response?

Art Teacher Loses Job after Kids see Nude Sculpture

From a Christian point of view, should this incident have taken place? Should nudity in art be acceptable? If so, where should the boundaries be drawn? Is nudity harmful for children? Was the Janet Jackson Superbowl incident blown out of proportion by America's conservitive Christians, or should we be protected from seeing a woman's breast at all costs?

Thoughts, anyone?


Well, on Wednesday the 4th of October 2006, Vanessa and I officially got engaged. It's still kind of strange to think about how much of a whirlwind courtship it was, but we're very sure about what we want so all is good.

Her engagement ring is a yellow gold band topped with eleven diamonds. I've got a matching wedding ring as well, so we're all set!

So Vanessa has been occupying my time lately, but in other news my sermon didn't go ahead because there weren't enough volunteers for Introducing God. This is good for me because I didn't really have time to finish it anyway. Now I have another month!

I've also been listening to a lot of good music lately. I've popped in Pillar's "Where Do We Go From Here" album, which always seems to remind me of the hot days two summers ago when I lived half an hour's walk from the bus stop. I would walk up the Summerleas Road hill while listening to the album in the 35 degree heat. So now whenever I hear the album they bring back strong memories of those walks.

Does anyone else have any particular songs or albums that have strong memories attached to them?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm back!

Yes it's been a long time but I've finally made it back after much prompting and name-calling by Crom...

So what's news? Well I spent a week and a half in Melbourne for an aunt's wedding, and went shopping around Melbourne: Chadstone, central Melbourne, Dandenong, and Highpoint. As well as about twenty CDs and ten DVDs, I picked up a copy of "Faith and Duty", the biography of John Anderson. It should be a good read, I'll post a review once I've got around to reading it. I also got Vanessa a friendship ring, will post a photo when I get one.

I'm preaching at preacher's workshop this weekend, but haven't actually started working on the sermon yet. Things have been crazy busy. I'm putting aside tonight to get a good chunk of it done, so we'll see how we go. Hopefully the parents won't be too much of a distraction.

More to come...