Thursday, July 31, 2008


I laughed at this one.

Radical Reformission

I'm currently reading this book. It's by Mark Driscoll, and I love his writing style. I've already read his "Confessions" book, and this one is great for putting the stuff from Confessions into practice.

I've long felt that we need to find a way to engage with the culture that we find ourselves in, and Mark Driscoll seems to have a heart for these people. For those who haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it.

Why is that?

Why is it that kids of dutch parents will often use a short dutch phrase (like saying 'enjoy your food' or 'thanks' in dutch), and then act like you should be impressed that they know some dutch words?

I've always wondered why that it. Maybe I just notice it now I'm married into a big dutch family. :-)