Full-on weekend
On Friday Ness & I drove up to the MTS Challenge conference in Ulverstone. It all went well, although the sound gear didn't make it that evening due to a car break-down. I was running visuals for the conference and got a nice little card to say thanks. Mikey and Dave both did an excellent series of talks. Didn't get much sleep though, as Ness didn't deal with the cold nights all that well and ended up getting a cold.
We left pretty much straight away on Sunday thanks to the fact that I was preaching at Kingston for the evening service. Left there at 1, was home by 4:30. I got to practice my sermon on the way down, and again in the church office right up until the service started. I was pretty happy with my delivery, and got some positive feedback. I wasn't 100% happy with the content though, but I guess that's what happens when you're pressed for time and still writing it while driving back down from Ulverstone.
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