Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Calorie cycling (shifting)

What is calorie cycling? It's a way of changing how many calories you take in over the course of the week in order to trick your body into keeping its metabolism going. This means your body doesn't go into starvation mode on a weight loss program, which causes plateaus.

I'm trying one right now. Currently the caloric breakdown is:

My maintenance level: 2500
My weight loss level: 2000

Mon: 2000
Tue: 1900
Wed: 2600
Thu: 2000
Fri: 1900
Sat: 1800
Sun: 2600

This plan takes into account exercise as well, so for example on Monday if I'm burning 500cal at the gym, I'll take in 2500 calories over the course of the day (mostly this is the extra pre- and post-workout nutrition).

In other news, last night I tackled Hutchins Street again on my run, which I'm quite happy with. I managed the hill and then another 25 minutes of running around the streets afterwards. It's funny to think that a month ago I couldn't even make it to the top of Hutchins St without needing to stop for a break...


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