Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lack of Joy I: A problem

I was thinking about Christian joy this morning, and why people seem to struggle sometimes to be joyful. It's quite easy to say "Rejoice in the Lord always", but quite another thing to actually live it out day by day, particularly when circumstances are against us.

A lot of the time unhappiness comes from two things: not-having, and having. Let me explain:

Not-having tends to bring unhappiness. It's when someone isn't happy because they don't have something, like money, power, influence, sex, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. People in this situation are unhappy until they get what they want, which unfortunately tends to lead to phase two:

Having tends to bring unhappiness. We put so much stock in a thing making us happy that when we finally get it we realize that it doesn't really give us any lasting happiness. So we look for more (e.g. sex), or move on to something else that we think that will make us happy. And so the vicious cycle starts again.

Wouldn't it be great if there was something that could make us perpetually happy?


At 10:24 PM, Blogger BSJ-rom said...

Interesting thoughts. It is indeed, more often than not, cyclical.

I've also found that even when you're quite content with everything, people are asking "Do you want anything?" or are commenting "How can you be content with that?" It's interesting how this is on one part people caring for you, and at another level, possibly dragging you down into discontent.


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