Wednesday, November 05, 2008

US Election

I've been following a few conservative blogs over the course of the election. One of the weird things that I've seen have been Christians saying that George W Bush has been a fantastic president, in part because of his party's stance on abortion (Dan J Phillips goes so far as to call him "brilliant and visionary"). The overwhelming issue for these people seems to be that abortion must be made illegal at all costs, because it's killing LIFE.

Can anyone explain to me why the approximately 90,000 Iraqi civilians killed since the start of the war don't count as LIFE? Please, if you consider yourself to be pro-life (as I do), spare a thought for those who have died.

Iraq Body Count web counter


At 9:25 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Hey Phil, thanks for your comment on my blog!

To respond to this -- I think you're right. Any loss of life is tragic. We oughtn't minimize the deaths of any human, whether they are killed before or after they're born.

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Phil said...

No worries Laura, thanks for your thought-provoking post that led me to your blog!


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