Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Calorie cycling (shifting)

What is calorie cycling? It's a way of changing how many calories you take in over the course of the week in order to trick your body into keeping its metabolism going. This means your body doesn't go into starvation mode on a weight loss program, which causes plateaus.

I'm trying one right now. Currently the caloric breakdown is:

My maintenance level: 2500
My weight loss level: 2000

Mon: 2000
Tue: 1900
Wed: 2600
Thu: 2000
Fri: 1900
Sat: 1800
Sun: 2600

This plan takes into account exercise as well, so for example on Monday if I'm burning 500cal at the gym, I'll take in 2500 calories over the course of the day (mostly this is the extra pre- and post-workout nutrition).

In other news, last night I tackled Hutchins Street again on my run, which I'm quite happy with. I managed the hill and then another 25 minutes of running around the streets afterwards. It's funny to think that a month ago I couldn't even make it to the top of Hutchins St without needing to stop for a break...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hating people

I caught the tail end of United 93 while flicking away from the international rules game last night. It was the part where they storm the cockpit just before the crash. I found that my emotions were very raw watching it.

Above every other emotion was an intense loathing and hatred for the hijackers. I found myself hoping that they had suffered as they died, and found satisfaction in the fact that one day they will realise that they had it wrong all along, and instead of their 'reward' they will be separated from God for eternity.

I know that I shouldn't feel like that. I know that despite what they have done, anyone deserves a chance at salvation and needs to know what God has done for them through Christ. And yet it's hard for me when I have such an extreme hatred of them for wanting to kill so many others.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Twisting scripture

One of the things that really annoys me is when people take a passage from scripture and twist it to fit their meaning. For example, I got an email from an American friend with an article where one Christians describes why they wouldn't vote for Obama. Within the article was this quote:

In the past when the Lord brought someone with the beliefs of Obama to lead a nation it meant one thing - judgment.

Read 1 Samuel 8 when Israel asked for a king. First God says in 1 Samuel 1:9 "Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do."

Then God says

1 Samuel 1:18 " When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day." 19 But the people refused to listen to Samuel. "No!" they said. "We want a king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles." 21 When Samuel heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the LORD. 22 The LORD answered, "Listen to them and give them a king."

The problem with this is that the passage is not addressing the type of king that is chosen over Israel. Rather, God is condemning them for wanting a king, when he was supposed to be the one ruling over them! But Israel instead decided that they wanted to be like the nations around them, and so God gives them a king but warns them of what life will be like under a king. Note that this applies to Saul, David, Solomon and thereafter.

Add this to the fact that this passage, in context, it about the leadership of God's people, and you should be able to see that God's people are not a nation anymore (not America!), but people from all nations who are a part of God's worldwide church.

All in all, we should pray for our leaders, whoever they might be. But twisting a passage of scripture in this way is not on in my mind.

Two other favourites:

1. "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit" used to argue why smoking and tattoos are a sin.
2. My parents suggested that the "mark of the beast" passage from Revelation means that a one-world currency will hail the coming of the antichrist. We had a great discussion about that.

Any other twisting of scripture passages that you hear frequently?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


5/2TBABrisbane, Australia
5/6-7TBA (with Symphony)Sydney, Australia
5/9-10TBAPerth, Australia

Hopefully it doesn't get cancelled this time...

Monday, October 20, 2008


I wish that some people would do some research on the difference between pro-choice and pro-abortion.

ISP-level filtering

Mark Newton from Internode gives a fantastic argument why the government's proposed internet filter is such a bad idea here.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Supplements: Whey Protein

I thought I'd start on a few posts talking about gym supplements, misunderstandings, and what each supplement does. I thought I'd start with protein powders because they seem to be the ones that most people have misconceptions about. In particular I'll talking about whey proteins here, and slower-acting protein blends and casein later.

So what's whey protein about? In short, protein powder is all about delivering to your body the protein that it needs. This is particularly necessary for bodybuilders, who need the extra protein, but it can be applicable to all people, especially those who are looking for a meal replacement while trying to lose weight.

Is protein powder necessary for bodybuilding? No. Someone once asked me if they would build muscle by drinking lots of shakes but not working out. The answer is purely no. There's plenty of protein in chicken or beef, but eating lots of chicken wings and burgers is not going to give you muscle... it's going to make you fat! It's the same with protein powders: any excess calories you take in are going to be processed by your body and stored as fat.

Whey protein is really all about convenience, particularly when your body needs a quickly-absorbed protein. This is important post-workout when your body is seeking nutrients it needs in order to repair your muscles. Protein powders are loaded with BCAAs which are the building blocks of muscle tissue.

Of course, you could get your protein from whole food, but who has time to cook up some chicken breast after going to the gym? It's quick and easy to mix together a shake along with some carbs that are going to help your body recover quickly and easily.

There are two main types of whey protein powder: whey protein isolate (WPI) and whey protein concentrate (WPC). Basically WPI is better refined, meaning it has a higher concentration of protein (normally 27-28g of protein per 30g of powder) with less carbs and fat. It's also absorbed quicker. Unfortunately all the extra refining also means that it is normally more expensive.

WPC is lower in protein (usually 23-24g per 30g of powder) and contains some carbs and fat. It's often known as a "medium-absorbed protein" because it's not absorbed by the body quite as quickly.

So which one is better? WPI is, nominally, but for most people who go to the gym it probably isn't going to matter too much. WPI tends to be more expensive so it's up to the individual to decide if they want to pay a lot extra for the small benefit that they may gain.

All in all, I would suggest that whey protein is an essential part of any serious bodybuilder's supplement shopping list. It's well worth shopping around and finding a brand that both tastes good and has a good reputation. I've tried Musashi WPC for a while, but am going to switch to Redbak WPI because I like the taste and Redbak have a good reputation. Once you find a brand that you like it turns out to be much easier to buy in bulk, and most good brands will offer 2-6kg buckets for a good discount rate.

So if you're serious about building some great muscle, drink up the whey and gain. :-)

Back again

Well it's been a busy few weeks but things are starting to quiet down finally. Yesterday I flew to Melbourne for the day (left home at 6:30am, got back at 9:45pm), to visit the Microsoft Productivity Centre. It was a great time, particularly talking with guys from Microsoft about SharePoint and some of the capabilities. I know I'm being nerdy but it was great fun to speak "computer-talk" for a few hours with the guys who know a lot.

I've been working on a new running program around my gym schedule while I'm working to lose body fat. I'll give an update on that later, but the schedule is:

Monday: Gym
Tuesday: Long run
Wednesday: Gym
Thursday: Speed work run
Friday: Gym
Saturday: Sprints
Sunday: Rest

So far it seems to be going okay, although obviously I missed out on a run yesterday. For running my route has been from my house up the Hutchins Street hill (this week I did it for the first time without having to stop and catch my breath), around the top of Baynton street, down the back of Lucas Street and a couple of laps of Calvin oval before getting home. Takes about half an hour and I calculated an average speed of about 9.6kph (which I'm pretty happy with considering I'm running up that hill).

So what else is news? Not much. I'll share some random thoughts over the next few days.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Nice little break

So I've spent a bit of time off ranting... mostly because I was sick last week which left me behind at work and theology study, plus I'm preaching next weekend and still need to write it *eep*.

Anyway, I've started this whole diet thing, which means lots of exercise as well. Good fun but I'm sore all over at the moment. Can't wait for the weekend.

Stay tuned as I've got more to come soon...